
October 31, 2013


Someday I'll be able to dress my family up as Star Wars characters, like I've always dreamed.  Although, that new Verizon commercial is kind of killing any semblance of awesomeness I've ever imagined... have you seen it?!  It's hilarious.  (Not the commercial part, just the costumes.)  Anyway...

Ruthe has been doing SO GREAT!!  All of her numbers look good, and her run of antibiotics ends tomorrow, which means, as long as there are no unforeseen complications, she will be home on Friday!!!!!  She did lose a little weight today, but since I know that ahead of time, I can mentally prepare myself for her maybe possibly not coming home until Monday.  We are taking it one day at a time.  But we are HOPING for Friday!!  We are doing a LOT of hoping for Friday!!!

Since we don't have very much else to do in the hospital, I have been dressing Ruthe up in some festive outfits for Halloween!  It's also because she won't get to wear any of it ever again after Thursday.  Except for her ladybug jammies... those are cute all year long!!

If you follow me on Instagram, you've already seen these... but they're just too cute not to post everywhere I can!!  Ugh, I love that grouchy little ball of chubb!  She is the absolute best baby ever, even when she yells at me for sitting down, or for looking at her, or because she can't see her heart rate monitor...  always.  She is always the best baby!

I have to admit, I get a little grouchy myself, when I see other babies doing things that Ruthe should be doing.  Like holding their heads up, rolling over, or trying to sit.  She's three months old, and she's still as immobile as a newborn.  It kind of sucks.  The worst is that I know she wants to lift her head up, and roll all around, and lay on her belly.  And as much as I would love for her to, I just can't let her do it. I have to remember that she is more than a beautiful, healthy baby.  She's a warrior.  She has fought so hard for her life, and it's hardly even started!!  Someday I'll get to watch her run and jump and do cartwheels and probably scare me half to death every single minute.  But for now, I'm just going to soak up all the sweaty snuggles and endless hours of holding her close that my arms can possibly bear.  Because she is perfect, exactly how she was meant to be.  And this Halloween might seem tricky, but it's definitely going to be full of treats!!

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